Tips on How You Can Wrap Your Extension Cords – Teng Home

There are some fantastic tips to make sure you’re not frustrated next time your extension cords are employed. He explains three different ways to wrap your extension cords after you’re done with them, so you don’t have to deal with knots. He understands the struggles that we have to face. Three ways to tie extension cords.
Most of us are familiar with the wrist wrap. You simply wrap the cord over your elbow and hands. Once you do this make sure you wrap the additional cord over the body , and then plug both connectors. The braid looks like it’s just making more knots, but in reality it doesn’t! Watch the video and see how Chris weaves the extension cable with a braid. The last way is called the over under method and it’s pretty easy therefore it is your next option for wrap your cord. Check out the whole video for even more suggestions and tricks to ensure that you will wrap your extension cables without difficulty, and you won’t have any more irritations.
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