Why Do Managers Refer Employees to Occupational Health? – Small Business Tips

What does occupational health mean? Their role is to support the employees as well as employers throughout their work, both in the physical and psychological sense. Many people could lose their job or take additional sick days without this support. Health and wellness are vital for every person employed to ensure as we cannot function in a single way or in a team with out these. The occupational health department is here to help in whatever ways they can. Employers often recommend their employees to occupational healthcare for many reasons. it’s not an exhaustive listof reasons, however these are most commonly used.
In the beginning, they’ll recommend you to a physician when your complaints are serious or persistent. It is also possible to provide employees a recommendation following the scheduled surgery, when it becomes appropriate to take this action. A manager may suggest an employee visit occupational health for a stress evaluation when they are feeling stressed, even if the source could originate from their own lives. Anyone who is suffering from with mental health issues will receive a referral to the occupational health department. In addition, employees who have been placed on medical suspension or returned to work be directed to occupational health.
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